Monday, November 2, 2009

Bienvenidos a mi bloga

Hola, y bienvenid@s to the first entry of this blog. I'm completely new to blogging, never thought I would ever be a "blogger" but as internet becomes more and more a priority for people's information and idea sharing, and as I've been seeking a way to address sociopolitical and cultural issues of importance to the Latino community, I've come to decide that a regular blog might just be an effective outlet.
Pues, I'ma give it a try.
I haven't worked out the details of how long blog postings will be, or how frequntly I will post here (weekly? bi-weekly? monthly?) but the basic focus of the blog will be on Latino identity, community, politics, and culture, from a leftist-anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-assimilationist, pro-immigrant, pro-people-of-color perspective. It will cover news topics, current events, national and international affairs, perspectives & opinions, and book, music and film revistas. Most, if not all of the writing will be mine, aunque maybe I'll have guest commentary from time to time? I will surely include links to news stories, websites I find of interest, etc.
This blog is intended primarily for a pan-Latin@ audience, and, given that my writing skills are stronger in English than Spanish, it will apeal primarily to an English-reading audience. Aunque, undoubtedly, I will code-switch, write in Spanglish, when that is what comes naturally to me. Inevitably (or at least hopefully), other non-Latino people of color will read this, and whites as well. I welcome you and expect you will be respectful, supportive allies.
Today is dia de los muertos, day of the dead, a popular holiday amongst Mexicans, and Latin@s of other nationalities. Pues, I wish you un feliz dia de los muertos.
Gracias for being a part of this journey.
More to come soon.

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